The shelves at Walmart are filling with composition books and pencils, the ads all say “Back to School” and the calendar is close to turning to August. Does the launch of the new school year bring a sense of expectancy and enthusiasm to your heart? Maybe a bit of dread or even mild depression? Perhaps a combination of all the above!
As you assemble resources, make lesson plans, and stash a couple of casseroles in the freezer, don’t forget to be sure you are spiritually, as well as physically, prepared to begin the school year.
The motivations to home educate may include a bit of guilt or obligation. It can certainly stir up pride in the heart of a mama. As we squelch those attitudes by bringing them to our heavenly Father in prayer, we begin to sense (or maybe sense anew) that home education may well be as much for us as parents as it is for our children. God will use this high calling to hone us, refine us, root out our pride, and reveal the depth of our love. At the end of it all, finishing well means we are grateful, humble, and amazed as we joyfully ensure the glory for every smidgen of it goes to God.
Home education may well be as much for us as parents as it is for our children. God will use this high calling to hone us, refine us, root out our pride, and reveal the depth of our love. Click To TweetIn honor of the launch of the new school year, this month’s Write the Word is TEACH. As you plan the schedule for teaching reading, writing, and arithmetic (and spelling, handwriting, science, history, and a variety of other subjects), would you just pause for a moment and consider not just what you are teaching, but why? Does love lead out in this high calling? Does bringing God glory factor hugely in this decision? Is this more about your children than about you? And is it more about God than about your family?
As we consider the enormity of this responsibility, the prospect of it all should simultaneously overwhelm and drive us to our knees. Prayer reminds us it is a sacred privilege.
Perhaps you have wrestled with God, as I did, when making the decision to homeschool your children. Sometimes obedience must be the engine and my emotions are the caboose that follows along. My half-hearted obedience eventually became all-in commitment. My residual guilt is assuaged when I consider God’s call to Moses.
I’m encouraged by Moses. He was given an impossible task. He felt ill-equipped to do it. He was saddled with a bunch of disobedient whiners for the duration. Yep. Sounds a lot like many days of home schooling!
Exodus 4 includes quite a dialogue between God and Moses. Every objection raised by the reluctant servant was overruled by Almighty God. I love God’s response to Moses sense of inadequacy in Exodus 4:12,
Now go; I will help you speak and will teach you what to say.
Mom, you don’t have to know it all. You don’t have to have it all scripted in advance. By its very definition, the word teach means you will be learning as you go. Home education is nothing if not on-the-job training. You can trust God to show up. He will put His words on your tongue. He will teach you what you need to teach your children.
You can trust God to show up. He will put His words on your tongue. He will teach you what you need to teach your children. Click To TweetAre you ready to go? Ready to learn first so you can teach? Pencils sharpened? Prayers prayed? I’m praying each teach verse this month fills you up so you can pour out.
Let’s do it!
Editor’s Note: In her ‘Write The Word’ series, Laura selects a topic each month to read the Word, and then write the Word. Slowing down to write Scripture after reading it gives the Holy Spirit time to help unpack and appropriate the truth found there. Download this month’s printable bookmark highlighting TEACH verses for writing, meditating, and praying back to God. The bookmark is available in two sizes: Standard Bookmark - WTW: TEACH and also Large-Print Bookmark - WTW: TEACH with increased font size for those who prefer it.
I will be the learner, but also teaching myself new skills for my life! Thank you for allowing the Lord to use you! I solicit your prayers and love!
I’m taking some time to pray for you now, Lee Anne, and am so grateful our “Write the Word” series is a blessing to you!