Things have gotten a bit more dramatic around here. Triplet pregnancies are always riskier but, up until now, I’ve had no reason to worry. It’s been a textbook pregnancy.
At 14 weeks, I started to bleed. This will strike fear into the heart of any expectant mom. I woke my husband up and, at 2:15 am, we went to the nearest emergency room. Thankfully, they immediately called labor and delivery to come to my room, with a handheld doppler. We heard the three most beautiful sounds in the world; Our precious babies were okay. Praise God! Five hours later, and after more tests and an ultrasound, I was released, with no real answers.
Unfortunately, by the following afternoon, things had gotten much worse. I had a low fever, muscle pain, extreme nausea, and was bleeding again. My best friend drove me straight to a women’s hospital, where my husband met us. My MFM (Maternal Fetal Medicine doctor) works out of an office right next to this hospital, which is convenient.
This time I got answers. I have a subchorionic hemorrhage (often called a SCH or subchorionic hematoma) near our sweet Baby A. Any bleeding in pregnancy is concerning, but SCHs usually resolve on their own. I also had an elevated white blood count. After meds to treat an infection, muscle relaxers to ease pain, anti-nausea meds, and (gladly!) enduring the tedium of modified bed rest, I’m now doing much better.
Now that the somewhat-scary prelude is over with, let’s get to the fun part. All these issues certainly didn’t keep us from our long-awaited gender scan!
My husband and I both guessed we’d have two girls and a boy. For 18 years, I’ve hoped to give our only daughter a sister. We really need to even out the testosterone in this house!
Of course, ultimately we only cared about having our three precious children in our arms, safe and sound. Especially with a high-risk pregnancy, every day of carrying them is a gift.
The sonographer smeared the cold ultrasound jelly around and set the wand on my protruding belly. Right away, we saw three squirming, kicking babies. The screen zoomed in on Baby A. The letters correspond to their position near the cervix. Baby A was happy to give us a money shot right away: a little boy! He was happily sucking his thumb and kicking his tiny legs.
The ultrasound screen moved higher to get a view of the other babies, up in the penthouse. Baby B was also showing off, and moving enough to give us a good clear picture of her girly parts! My daughter Belle squealed with delight! She finally had a sister.
Baby C was being less cooperative. The baby was much higher, with feet straight up. It took some shifting and prodding to get a clear shot of our little tie-breaker.
Another girl!
One little boy and two sweet girls. We couldn’t be happier!
All three have great heart rates, excellent blood flow, measurements ahead of schedule.
Here are the three together: Baby C’s head, Baby B’s feet, and Baby A’s head.
Afterwards, we had a gender reveal and small celebration with family and a few close friends.
Thank you so much for your continued thoughts and prayers.
This is such an exciting time for you! I’m looking forward to watching them grow into what the Lord has called them to. Praying for continued health for them and you, Wendy!