“I can do everything through him who gives me strength.”
Philippians 4:13
When we read “I can do this,” it may bring up an image of Rosie the Riveter — jaw set, muscle flexed, and polka-dot scarf secure. The tough Rosie of the 40’s may well be the foremother of Helen “I am woman, hear me roar” Reddy in the 70’s … and all these generations later, we may try to sing the song and flex the muscle (and surely that red scarf is here somewhere!), but the reality is less than rosy. Pun intended.
Our song may be more like: I am woman, I am tired.
Philippians 4:13 is often quoted (also framed on our walls, posted on our social media, and written in our greeting cards). But is the truth of it written on our hearts?
Rather than a proclamation of strength and self-sufficiency, it’s a confession of our weakness. Taken to heart, it’s a humble declaration of our dependency on Christ.
Just before this oft-quoted verse, Paul wrote:
I know what it is to be in need,
and I know what it is to have plenty.
I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry,
whether living in plenty or in want.
Philippians 4:12
Paul was explaining the secret — the key — to finding contentment no matter what the circumstances. I’m encouraged to note that he uses the word learned. Even if we haven’t yet achieved contentment, we can learn it. We can aspire and grow into it.
And according to Paul it has nothing to do with our physical situation: want or plenty, well fed or hungry … and we might add employed or unemployed, malignant or benign, pandemic or no pandemic.
We can fill in our own 21st-century “whether” but the message is the same: our circumstances do not dictate our reality, nor do they make us content. It is the One who is with us in those circumstances that determines our level of contentment.
Hard things will come and go in this life. Some the result of our sinful choices, some the result of the sin of others, and some (like the evil virus) perhaps the result of living in a fallen world.
But none can touch our security in Jesus Christ.
He is our life preserver in the storm. He keeps us afloat. He is our strength in any and every situation. Yes, my friend, we can do this — we can keep working, keep giving, keep serving, keep forgiving, keep hoping, and keep on keeping on.
But not because we have the power on our own. It’s all because we have the power through HIM who gives us strength!
Tomorrow we will begin a NEW Write The Word study for June!
Won’t you join us this month as we focus on
Praying for Prodigals
Visit Cross My Heart ministry!