… the star they had seen when it rose went ahead of them
until it stopped over the place where the child was.
When they saw the star,
they were overjoyed.
Matthew 2:9b-10
The Magi traveled from the east to worship the newborn king. They were single-minded in their focus: the star. They were determined and devoted in their resolve to follow.
The Old Testament equivalent that comes to mind is the pillar of cloud by day and fire by night, that guided the Israelites on their journey through the wilderness. (The Magi were aliens; what a joy for this Gentile girl to note that God calls all people to follow Him!) God led and they followed. Their obedience brought great blessing—a timeless truth that still holds today.
Where is God calling you and me to follow in obedience?
The Magi, I’m sure, traveled both far and uncomfortably. No fast jets or fast food for their excursion. Bouncing along on a camel in the desert is no picnic now or then. But what a reward at the end: they would behold Immanuel, the Christ child, the Messiah.
The end of verse 10 records, “When they saw the star, they were overjoyed.” It’s interesting to note that when the star ceased moving, it signaled the end of their journey but they had not yet seen the Christ child. Simply seeing that the star had stopped brought the magi great joy.
So often, it is the anticipation of what comes next that brings the joy.
New Year’s Eve is a day of anticipation. As we pause to say goodbye to 2017, we look ahead with expectancy to 2018 and all the potential it offers. Because of Jesus, we can look to the future with confident hope. A heart devoted to following His star will be overjoyed, and that joy will be evident to others. Are you anticipating joy for the new year?
Because of Jesus, we can look to the future with confident hope. A heart devoted to following His star will be overjoyed, and that joy will be evident to others. Click To TweetTo see the star, you have to be looking. The wise men’s gaze was fixed on the star. Moving their attention downward to the sand, their sore bodies, or the spitting camel would shift focus away from the star.
If my focus is on the star, it will show. The glory from Him will be reflected in my life. My words, actions, attitudes, thoughts, and behaviors will be transformed in 2018, if my heart and mind are set on following Him.
Let’s make 2018 a year to keep our eyes on Jesus … follow the star!
I will obey his direction for me which will lead to growth, maturity, healing! Thank you for showing me the way to Him!!