Teach them his decrees and instructions,
and show them the way they are to live and how they are to behave.
Exodus 18:20
It’s good for us to teach our children God’s Word. We read it to them. We ask them to write it out. We memorize it together. They learn verses in Sunday School or AWANA. We even pray God’s Word over them. Most likely we have Scripture displayed in our home on a plaque or in a frame.
As followers of Christ, we know His Word. It is in our hearts and in our minds.
But that’s not enough.
God’s word is to be lived out loud. It is not only to be in our hearts and minds. It must work its way out into our actions. As followers of Christ, our behavior should follow our belief.
God's word is to be lived out loud. It is not only to be in our hearts and minds. It must work its way out into our actions. Click To TweetI think it was Jim Dobson who I first heard say, “Values are more caught than taught.” Today’s generation can sniff out hypocrisy a mile away. They value authenticity. It’s not enough for us to tell our children what is right – we must show them. And therein lies the challenge of being a parent.
We are trying to teach and train our children, all while we are in the midst of our own journey. As I’ve lamented to God my own failures and shortcomings, He has kindly reminded me that my children learn not just from my successes, but also from my failures. As I get up, dust off my proverbial knees, seek His forgiveness (and often theirs, as well), I demonstrate that following Jesus does not require perfection. My insufficiency points to His all-sufficiency. I can simultaneously celebrate that I’m not what I used to be and rejoice that I’m not yet what I’m going to be, either.
Motherhood is indeed a holy privilege. (It says it right here on the coffee cup I recently bought for myself.) Of all the women in the world, God chose me to be their mom. He has equipped me for that high calling and continues to equip me as I parent adult children. I can do it because He and I (and Kevin) are doing it together. On the days that I think I can’t, He says I can. When I’m tapped out, He fills me up. There is great joy and delight and even laughter in this journey. Those days trump the days of tears and self-condemnation because I failed…again. I may have disciplined in anger, inadvertently violated a confidence by sharing a private prayer request with another sibling (my latest failure), or just failed to let love lead out in my words and actions.
I must know his 'decrees and instructions' before I can teach them. And I have to live them out before them if they are to be believable. Click To TweetThe bottom line for this mama: It all begins in the Word. I must know his “decrees and instructions” before I can teach them. And I have to live them out before them if they are to be believable. You can’t pour anything out of an empty pitcher. You must fill up first so you have something to pour out. His well never runs dry. It is a continual flow of living water that keeps us spiritually hydrated, helping us to share that refreshment with those around us. Keep pouring, Lord!
Living out God’s word is what I like about this! Laura, you do liveit out well! Thank you for this! My goal is to do the same. Please pray we win our battles on our knees every time.
Lee Anne — so true! We are strongest on our knees! When I don’t have words to pray, I pray HIS words back to Him!
Great reminder, Laura. Thanks. I’m sharing this with the ladies in the Bible study I lead.
Thank you, Chrissy! What an encouragement to know this resonated and you are sharing it. Thank you!
Thank you for sharing this! Just what I needed to hear.
What a blessing! Thank you for the kind words!