It’s mid-morning, and everything that could go wrong, already has. Kids are bickering. Naturally everyone needs Mom at the same time. My eyes are already twitching 10 minutes into the school day … and of course, it’s only Monday.
It’s a scene primed for disaster and altogether too familiar.
…taking up the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench
ALL the fiery darts of the evil one. [Ephesians 6:16]
I know the words, but sometimes I struggle with the experience in the moment. Just like the sower with the good seed. The seed has been planted, I understand the truth, but do I really know it in the midst of my personal chaos?
Often I find myself knee deep in the muck and the mire of harsh responses and short fuses, before I even realize I’ve lost my peace. My heart wants and needs to scream out “HELP!” to God, while my tongue finds itself lashing the people I love most.
Oh, how I understand the cry of Paul:
For that which I do I know not; for not what I would, that do I practice;
but what I hate, that I do. [Romans 7:15]
I love my children, I love homeschooling them—occasional heathens and all—and in my heart of hearts there is nothing I’d rather be doing with my life. I just want to do it with joy.
Not a forced smile, but real joy … His joy!
And I’ve done this dance long enough to understand I can’t do that in my own strength. I NEED Him, gently soothing my nerves before they get rubbed raw. I NEED to spend time in my Bible, searching the pages while God searches my soul, leading and guiding me to the food I need for the day He knows I’m about to have. He knows the shadows of death I will walk through today. He knows the fiery darts about to be hurled at my tranquility.
What stops me from spending that time and obtaining the peaceful spirit I’m so desperate to have? We all have our own list of what’s important to do, how we like to relax or recharge.
Did I covet my Netflix show a little too much last night? That precious quiet time when the kids have gone to bed and I can indulge in chocolate that I don’t have to share, and just “check out” to wind down and relax?
Was getting to the gym for the physical release more important than nourishing my spiritual appetite?
Perhaps you’re a little like me and simply get caught up in the sticky trap of busy-busy-busy that sucks the time out of our lives?
I will not despair. I will not give up. I will run, with the goal to win His peace in this race.
As a mom of four I am busy; that’s just my life. I’ve come to terms with the fact it’s not going to change anytime soon, so what do I do about it?
Sometimes I’ll combine two tasks: I listen to scripture while I plod along on the elliptical, or walk the track, and that’s okay. Finding a place, any place to plug God into my often overloaded-circuit-like-life is a must for my sanity.
But our morning worship doesn’t have to stay in the morning hours. We can praise God all the day long by our actions, and bring Him glory by choosing His joy during the nitty-gritty. How can I expect my children to be more patient and pleasant than I am? Truth is, I shouldn’t, and they won’t be.
I recently thought of a neat jewelry-crafting idea to help carry over my morning worship into the midst of my crazy.
You will need the following items:
- Cord, string, or chain of some sort.
- Small corked jar. (I found mine at Hobby Lobby in a pack of 6, and they already had a hook for hanging in the top.)
- Paper and pen
During my quiet worship time, I’m often impressed with a word or phrase that God has selected just for me—a morsel to chew on throughout the day, to help me power through the rough patches.
I decided to write these tidbits of wisdom onto a small scrap of paper, and place it in a miniature bottle that I wear around my neck. This serves as a visual, physical reminder to stop and think about what’s most important during those moments that seem like the end of the world (but really don’t matter in the grand scheme). Each day, I replace the paper with a new thought or phrase that hit me with special meaning during my worship. If I go very many days with the same scrap of paper in my bottle, it’s a reminder that my food is probably stale by now … because God gives new manna each day, if I simply take time to gather it.
Chin up, precious (exhausted) mama. When you feel like you’re about to lose your mind, draw a deep breath in and let it out to God.
Do you feel like you’re overwhelmed?
Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden,
and I will give you rest. [Matthew 11:28]
These days are short … we know they will be gone all too soon. Make the most of them in His strength.