I delight in your decrees;
I will not neglect your word.
Psalm 119:16
Do you find delight in the Word of God? Do you want to?
Will you choose to make the Psalmist’s words both your proclamation and your petition? Will you ask the Spirit of God to help you make the Word of God your daily priority?
As you and I will ourselves to “not neglect the Word,” our just-do-it commitment will be transformed to delight. Our have-to will become a want-to. As God’s Word becomes your delight, I’m convinced blessing upon blessing will roll back upon you and your children.
As God’s Word becomes your delight, blessing upon blessing will roll back upon you and your children. Click To TweetIn the stress and frenzy of the daily too-much-to-do-and-not-enough-time-to-do-it-in, our daily appointment with God helps ensure we keep the main thing the main thing.
What does “not neglecting the Word” look like? I’m glad you asked!
I’m a huge fan of journaling. My daily quiet time includes writing out the passage God has drawn me to. As I write it out, I’m able to savor each phrase – sometimes each word. The Holy Spirit often brings fresh insight from even familiar passages as I take the time to write the Word. As He teaches, I journal any insights, often writing out a prayer of response. For me, this has been life-changing and life- sustaining.
Even secular psychologists have released studies indicating that students who take handwritten notes tend to retain information better than those who type their notes. There’s a connection between reading with our eyes, thinking with our brains, and then writing with our hands. The neurons are firing, our brains are synapsing, and connections are forming. The field of neuropsychology reveals that various parts of our brain are devoted to different types of information: visual, auditory, emotional, verbal, etc. As we read and then write, we engage spatial links and heighten the likelihood we will remember vital information. God’s Word becomes hidden in our hearts and minds.
I’m glad there’s science to back up what we probably already know intuitively: we remember what we write! Would you like to test this truth out?
I’m launching a new monthly blog post called Write the Word. Would you like to try your hand at some writing this month? How about joining me for a journaling journey? Each month, I’ll choose a key word or phrase and then provide a verse for each day that includes that key word. We will read the Word, and then write the Word. Slowing down to write it after reading it gives the Holy Spirit time to help us unpack and appropriate the truth found there.
This month’s word is REST. June is a month for homeschool moms to make time for some much needed rest. One school year has ended and there’s (usually) a little break before launching the next. This is not only a time for planning and catching up, but a time for finding rest in Him, a time for prayer, and a time for the Holy Spirit to fill us up so we can continue to pour out. You can download your own Printable Bookmark - Write The Word: REST .
Look for a couple of my Sunday Soaking devotionals to be drawn from some of these REST verses, as well. Also, during the month of June, post a comment below—share your own thoughts about journaling, finding REST in Him or whatever else comes to mind—and be entered into a drawing for a free Dayspring journal! Editor’s Note: The June 2017 DaySpring journal give-away is now closed!
I’m praying for you, Sister Friend. I’m praying that as you read His Word and then write the Word, you will find yourself meditating upon the Word. I’m praying this will heighten the likelihood you remember and own what you read. And, finally, I’m praying you will choose to live it out so that your life also reflects the Word. Now that’s A Reason for Writing!
Don’t forget to download our
Printable Bookmark - Write The Word: REST
with a month’s worth of verses for meditation and journaling on the topic of REST.
Editor’s Note: The June 2017 DaySpring journal give-away is now closed!
JUNE 2017 GIVEAWAY: Post a comment below during the month of June, and you will be entered to win this Rejoice! Journal from DaySpring.
I have been doing this and found it to be such an added blessing to my normal study. It really is such a comfort being reminded that God does want us to rest as well as work hard.
So true! I remind my children that, “a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest, and poverty will come upon you like a robber, and want like an armed man” (Prov. 6:10-11) but this has made me realize we rarely talk about REST in a way that doesn’t imply laziness. Probably the only time is in the context of keeping the Sabbath. Something to work on!
Allison – -I agree! Most of us probably have a connotation with “rest” (and many other words) that Scripture can either negate, broaden, or change out for us. Thank you for reading and thinking along with us!
This came in such a timely manner for this season in my life, work hard and no time to rest, but encouraging to me!
Lee Anne: I’m pausing now to pray for you, asking the Spirit of God to take the Word of God and bring spiritual rest and soul rest to your life, as well as provide the physical, emotional, and mental rest you need.
Thank you so much Laura, my mentor! I always love your prayers and encouragement!
Love this idea! Can’t wait to start. I journal but a little differently than this but I really like this especially since I struggle with memory. Thank you for the bookmark.
Lindsey —
So grateful you’ve decided to join us the REST journey! Appreciate your willingness to try something new — this method is new to me, as well, but it’s been a refreshing change to do something different in my devotional time this summer.
Blessings on your day!
Thank you for this method that has drawn me to God’s Word daily this month. So helpful!