For the follower of Christ, everything hinges on Easter. Our hope for eternity on that day and our reason for living on this day rest on the truth of the Resurrection.
John referred to Jesus as the Lamb of God in John 1:29. He is the worthy, acceptable sacrifice. The Lamb without blemish. We must steep ourselves in the Old Testament sacrificial requirements to truly appreciate the need for atonement and what this once-and-for-all sacrifice means.
A college professor (more years ago than I care to admit) described the uniqueness of Jesus this way:
Man should but cannot.
God can but should not.
Jesus is the God-Man.
Because man had sinned, man should pay the penalty. But a sinful man is an unacceptable sacrifice.
God is perfect, and so qualifies as an acceptable sacrifice. Jesus Christ, the God-Man, is uniquely God and uniquely man. He is therefore the perfect—and the perfectly acceptable—sacrifice for sin.
As we prepare our hearts for Easter, let’s read and write verses that highlight the Lamb. Let’s allow them to stir up our hearts with gratefulness for the Lamb who was slain as the once-and-for-all sacrifice.
Our sin sent Him to the cross, His love kept Him on the cross, but the power of God meant death could not keep Him in the grave.
The Lamb who was slain is also the King of Kings. May our hearts worship Him deeply and joyfully this Easter season!
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as we write, dwell on, and pray this month’s
Write The Word verses on the subject of the LAMB of God:
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